Horsens: a few thoughts about leaving home
The time has come for another adventure, after almost 6 months of being a poor couch potato. Is it weird to have mixed feelings about it? I have serious Traveller’s Guilt. I don’t want to leave my friends behind, now that I’ve finally gotten them back from their exchange programs. I don’t want to miss out on yet another Danish summer and the big events happening in my loved ones lives. I don’t want to spend all my money. But I am going, and it’s exciting to me in a whole new way. For one, I am moving to a country I have never even been to. I don’t know when I will see my family again. I am going to do some travelling by myself for the first time ever. I am even going to travel for a month with a person I have never met. So while I sit in a pile of clothes on the floor, teary-eyed and nauseous from nerves, I am also certain that this experience will not only be amazing – it will be life changing.
Even though I am heading to what are arguably more stunning surroundings, I am really going to miss my home, the town of Horsens. This is where I grew up, and I still think of it as the small prison town it once was, despite it now being the 8th largest city in Denmark and one of the cultural capitals. I wanted a post just for myself, so I have something to look at when I am missing home, so here are some pictures of my home, a place I am truly going to miss.
Coat of arms
The European Medieval Festival 2014
Pictures from Lunden (“The Grove“):
Friluftsscenen (“Open Air Stage”)
Menneskemuren (“The Human Wall”) by Horsens Art Museum
Klosterkirken (“Abbey Church”)
Horsens State Prison, now mostly a concert venue
Triton Water Fountain by the train station
I’ll end this post with one of my favorite songs, sung by Pretty Maids,our local pride.