Bucket List

Bucketlist: 22 things I’m doing while I’m 22

So, I have no hobbies, unless making lists is considered one. In that case, it’s a huge hobby of mine. Not only do I get to organise some of the mess that’s inside of my head and around me, it also helps me remember things, because I’m basically a goldfish.

I recently made a list of what I accomplished last year. It’s fun to look back at the things that have happened to me, and see what I can cross off my Life List (yes, I also have a list of things I want to do before I die). It’s also painfully obvious that my life is a string of random events, and that I don’t set high or serious goals for myself.


Alright, so that list is kind of dumb. Now onto something slightly less dumb.

I also made a list of 22 things I want to do this year. This list has been long underway, ’cause coming up with 22 things that are somewhat doable, yet not completely ordinary, is a difficult task. I get exhausted thinking about what my bucketlist for my 30th birthday will look like. Right, here it is:


So the plan is to have crossed most of these off by the end of my Asia-trip. Obviously, graduating is going to be pretty hard anywhere but home. Let’s hope I complete all of this before I turn 23!